Film photography project

I decided last fall to start a film photography project — take black-and-white portraits of my extended family, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, in-laws. My goal was to keep it casual. I’d take a film camera with me when visiting relatives and take informal portraits. Last fall I took photos at my brother David’s house and, after developing the film myself, scanned in the images and published the ones I liked here. Earlier this year, a few weeks before things shut down because of the coronavirus, I took another set of family portraits. I just got around last week to developing the film. These were taken with Tri-X film, shot at ISO 400, with an Olympus OM-1n and a 100mm f2.7 lens. Developed in XTOL 1+1.


4 thoughts on “Film photography project

  1. WOW! B&W portraits can be so … boring.

    Yours really bring these folks to life, I can really “see” them.

    Thanks Paul, hope all is well!

  2. Film has so much character … or maybe that’s just our family 🙂 Great dynamic range, really nice portraiture, dad.

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